If you read my blog, you probably already know that I'm an ultimate fan of thesis-based speeches (such as TED) and long interviews, especially those from Charlie Rose Show. So you may suspect how happy I was to find this in recent Charlie Rose Show archives:
Although I don't have Jay-Z music in my iTunes and this is not my genre, but its always great to get some thoughts from people who achieved as much as he did. And its also great to see people from such different worlds on one stage talking to each other, I think I love Charlie even more after seeing this. Very funny, honest, inspiring interview about Jay-Z's life, music, relationships, inspirations, and future plans. I recommend to everyone, even those as me, who never listen hip-hop and has no idea about the genre, slang, street culture and anything related to it.
Interview takes about an hour and you can see it at http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/11337
Interview takes about an hour and you can see it at http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/11337